Here’s what’s new at the Disposable Underground blog and there’s some news bits I found around the web too.
New at the Blog
Desperate Corruption was a Japanese death metal band that I followed in the ‘90s. The guys used to send their demos in to the ‘zine to get music reviews, which I always wrote about favorably. In a regular “looking back” feature, I wrote a little more about the band.
City of Caterpillar put out an important self-titled album back in the early 2000s that received regular spins on my CD player. Now the group is back with a new record and has a new music video.
War//Plague is a band that plays D-beats, which is a staple of crusty hardcore punk bands. The group is good at it and the new album that it has coming out is an entertaining listen for this kind of music.
The featured video at the blog is from the death metal band Mortuous. I caught the guys when they played an opening set on tour with the all-star-band Left to Die, and I recorded a clip of the Mortuous drummer.
More Music News
The Featured Artists Coalition in the U.K. is running a directory of venues that don’t take a cut of band merch. This is a good thing. Andrew Trendell has the story at NME.
Neurosis had a very public and dramatic break with one of its founding members this week. The band has been inactive for a while, apparently concentrating on its record label, so fans will be wondering what the remaining members’ next move is.
Bandcamp Fridays, that good deal for bands, fire back up September 2, and continue once a month through 2022.
Rest In Peace
Bob Heathcote, the former bassist that played on the Suicidal Tendencies album How Will I Laugh Tomorrow When I Can’t Even Smile Today, died in a motorcycle accident. Joe DiVita has the story at Loudwire.
Stuart Anstis, former guitarist for Cradle of Filth, died in August, Glenn Rowley writes for Billboard.
Thanks for reading. Take care and see you at the blog!
September 1, 2022 newsletter