Voivod and Napalm Death—along with Black Crown Initiate, Iron Reagan, and Exhumed—are on tour in the States on a thing called the “Through Space and Grind Tour” and played Baltimore Soundstage. We have clips of the two headliners below.
Voivod is promoting a new song that’s going on a split with At the Gates (out on April 7 on Century Media). The band has a new bass player who performed admirably on stage at the gig. Napalm Death has a new album called Apex Predator – Easy Meat, also on Century Media (the label’s online store lists it as a preorder, but the CD is being sold at the shows). They have Erik Burke from Brutal Truth filling in on guitar for the tour.
Napalm Death:
The shows continue through February 28 through the U.S. and Canada.
The last time we interviewed Voivod was in archive zine issue #41. We’ve talked to Napalm Death many times; the last piece we ran was an interview From The Vault.