Moshi Moshi is the upcoming album from Ryan Smith and Pony Smith of The Melismatics. It’s a mix of pop rock and electronic pop, among other things, and has a bunch of fun, catchy songs. Ryan and Pony’s core is a three-piece band of guitar, bass, drums, and vocals, but there’s plenty of vocal harmonies, keyboards, effects, and layered guitar riffs blended together on the songs.
The band plays with different genres like Brit pop and rock ‘n’ roll, and there’s a couple of ballads too. The band is really good at the latter, just like the rest of the moods it tackles, but Moshi Moshi is better when the energy is higher and popier. There’s 12 tracks on the record and there’s plenty of pleasing variety with the other 10.
Ryan and Pony has released four music videos for the record already, compiled below. Each one has a different visual idea.
“Start Making Sense”
“Fast as I Can”
Moshi Moshi sounds great and is a highly enjoyable record. It’s up for preorder from Pravda Records on digital, CD, LP, and various bundles. It’s recommended for pop and rock fans that are looking for a good, polished mix.