Welcome back once more to the Disposable Underground newsletter. Here’s what’s happened at the blog this past week.

We’ve got another music review this time: End Christian. We were tipped off about the release by bandmember Richard Hoak, pictured here from a press photo promoting the record. Most of the time we write about death metal and grindcore at the blog, but this time it’s different.

Now playing: The soundtrack to the film Vincent & Theo by Gabriel Yared. There’s very little information about this online, but the music is jarring and compelling, especially the track that starts off the film. The first minute and a half of this YouTube video (featuring music used in the opening credits) provides an idea of what it’s like.
Our featured video this week is of the band Inter Arma. The group is working on a new album and is doing some touring, so why don’t we check out some video we took of the band playing back in 2014. We also interviewed Inter Arma for the blog.
We’ll have more info on what’s new next time. Thanks a lot!