Sacrifice shreds through all of “Volume Six”

A photo of the guys from Sacrifice

I was excited to hear the new Sacrifice album Volume Six when the email appeared in my inbox. I’m a certified Sacrifice fan and am stoked that they’re still on the tear they started with the last album, the comeback record The Ones I Condemn.

Apocalypse Inside was the last record the band released before they broke up way back in 1993. I was unkind to it in a review in the ‘zine and have come to appreciate it since. But in large contrast to how that record began, Volume Six heads out of the gate with a bang. It’s a savage, loud record, a thrasher, but also shows a heavy, mid-paced side with songs like “Underneath Millenia.” Surprisingly, there’s more than one instrumental (that rock too) and a cover of an old-school Canadian band called Direct Action. It might top the The Ones I Condemn, which was great in its own right.

The first single from Volume Six, “Antidote of Poison,” has a lyric video, below.

Like this track, the rest of the record is high quality. It sounds like a Sacrifice record with Sacrifice riffs, but also seems to show the band’s—I was going to say influences, but Sacrifice was around when these bands were first around too—let’s say contemporaries that have rubbed off on them, like Slayer and Kreator.

Volume Six is up for preorder on cassette, CD, and LP: in North America from Cursed Blessings and from other places from High Roller Records. The record is out on February 21, 2025 and will be on digital too. It’s a killer record, well worth picking up.

Further reading and viewing:
My interview with Sacrifice from back in the Soldiers of Misfortune days
Live photos from when Sacrifice was on tour for Soldiers of Misfortune
Live video of Sacrifice at Maryland Deathfest XII

Photo: Kelly Clark Fotography


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