Revelation interview

Originally published in ‘zine issue #11, 1994

Revelation is an amazing doom band from Maryland which has a few LPs out on a few labels and has a new demo out worth checking into. Contact Dennis, the guitarist/singer. Here Dennis spouts off.

D.U.: What’s the latest on the next LP for Hellhound Records?

Dennis: Well, we’ll probably record the album around the end of October if all things go okay. So far, we don’t have a working title for the album, but the material from the Mourning Son demo will be appearing on it. Besides “Little Faith,” which was written by John Brenner, we’re also doing “Confusion,” which is off the demo, also written by John. I want to do them as a tribute to John.

What has Revelation recorded that’s still available and how does one get a copy?

There were two full-length albums released before I joined the band. The first one was Salvation’s Answer, released on Rise Above Records; you can order it from Relapse and other import companies. The second album, called Never Comes Silence, was released with Hellhound, which is also on import. I’ve ordered from Rotz Records for that one before. We’ve released a demo with the new lineup [Mourning Son], and you can get a copy from Steve or I.

Do you consider Revelation to be a classic doom band to be spoken of in the same breath as St. Vitus, Stillborn, Count Raven, whomever?

I don’t know, do you? I guess I personally would have to say yes. From the first time I heard John’s particular twist on things, I haven’t been the same. I guess I really did become a student of John’s after the first album came out. Not really in a literal sense. More of just enveloping his style of playing into my own.

What’s the update on your other project, Doomstone, after the release of the first LP?

Not much is going on right now with Doomstone. It’s been over a year since we recorded the album, and we have maybe a few ideas being thrown around for a follow-up. We really won’t start work on anything until both Deceased and Revelation have finished our current projects.

You are helping with your bass player’s band, Bläcklord, on the side. What is the story on that?

Not much either. Jim hasn’t come up with any solid material as far as I know for a new demo or whatever. I don’t know if he’ll even include me. I just helped him out when his last guitarist backed out.

You’ve been a musician in the No. VA death metal scene for years. Does that afford you a certain outlook on how the scene has progressed/regressed since the late ‘80s, and if so, what is your outlook?

Well, I’ve noticed, especially in the last few years, the people, bands, and the scene are just breaking apart into individual little “niches.” I would guess people can’t take someone’s opinion without getting their feelings bruised. I personally take criticism, good or bad, with a grain of salt. We all need to understand that I can get along with you even though I like black and you like white. I also realize it’s not as easy as that sometimes, but we all have to learn how to respect someone’s opinion without letting that interfere with a friendship.

Last words?

Thanks for the interview, Rich. Sorry I took so long. King Fowley is my guitar guru. ■


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