Disposable music reviews

Originally published in ‘zine issue #7, 1993

Anacrusis Screams and Whispers
(Metal Blade Records)
These guys have a sound a bit stranger than most. Lots of tempo changes and breaks make an interesting listen. They sound real progressive. The guitars crunch some of the time, too. The vocalist is all over the place. Definitely worth picking up.
(by Vaughn Currier) ■

Blast Furnace Live
Well, at least it’s better than the last one. It still sounds like a really bad parody of Pantera, though. The production has improved too. (USA)
(by R. Mason) ■

Bloodstar "Anytime, Anywhere" album cover

Bloodstar Anytime – Anywhere
(Red Decibel)
This is interesting techno shit with sort of depressing lyrics about death and other neat stuff. This isn’t bad, but the songs tend to be monotonous. Overall, OK.
(by R. Mason) ■

Bolt Thrower "The IVth Crusade" album cover

Bolt Thrower The IVth Crusade
Now this is more like it. Everybody’s been saying it’s boring, but that’s just because there’s no blast beats on it; to the contrary, BT’s fourth album is one of its best. very heavy, doomy, crunchy Bolt Thrower music. Total god!
(by Editor) ■

Demonomacy "Chaos Incarnated" demo cover

Demonomacy Chaos Incarnated
This is a strong demo from this Florida band. It sounds like old Malevolent Creation. The main problem lies in the very thin production and lack of bass. But given time, this band should be great! (USA)
(by R. Mason) ■

Dying Fetus "Bathe in Entrails" demo cover

Dying Fetus Bathe in Entrails
Death metal (what else?) with fast parts and three vocalists. There’s hints of Death and Cannibal Corpse in the songs. The band has good production and the usual lyrics. $5. (USA)
(by Editor) ■

Exterminance/Mass Psychosis EP cover

Exterminance/Mass Psychosis split 7″
Featuring blood red vinyl and fine sound, this EP has two really good death metal bands. Exterminance’s song has original riffs Mass Psychosis’ song is completely bizarre. Send $5 USA, $6 outside USA.
(by Editor) ■

Gestation Festering World
OK, why must every death metal band feel compelled to do stupid intros all the time? Besides that, this is a sadly produced jumble of some OK but very used riffs and ho-hum vocals. You’ve heard it all before. (USA)
(by R. Mason) ■

Gogmagog '91 demo cover

Gogmagog ’91 demo
A thrash band with an identity crisis that wants to be death metal so bad, it’s pitiful. The result is a laughable mass of all things stupid. (USA)
(by R. Mason) ■

Green The Pop Tarts
This CD is ridiculous. I’m waiting for the singer to start crying, he’s whining so much. If you like shitty rock star wannabe groups, then this is for you.
(by Mike Mason) ■

GWAR "The Road Behind" album cover

GWAR The Road Behind
(Metal Blade)
An EP with an attitude. Featuring an album track and unreleased live tracks, this is a fun ride through the land of violence and mayhem. The new songs are interesting and the live banter is a gem. Very bizarre, but then, what would you expect?
(by Editor) ■

Kid Rock The Polyfuze Method
How can I express how utterly awful this is? No one should be subjected to this Vanilla Ice wannabe. When a white kid from suburbia throws out his Bon Jovi records in favor of Ice Cube, it’s not pretty.
(by R. Mason) ■

Kreator "Renewal" album cover

Kreator Renewal
The German metal gods have returned with a new album! The dudes in Kreator amaze me with this, their greatest work yet. How original and innovative can one band get? It’s filled with great production, fresh riffs, new drum beats, and surprising vocals. Pick it up!

Incest "Misogyny" demo cover

Incest Misogyny
These kids really want to be Beherit. This sucks. The packaging is really nice, though, and the lyrics are your typical death metal fare. Well, maybe these guys will get better. $5. (USA)
(by R. Mason) ■

Mas Optica "Choose to See More" album cover

Mas Optica Choose to See More
(Red Decibel)
If I were these guys, I’d get plastic surgery and move to Cuba. This blows. This blows hard. This is like Death Angel when it does those cheesy acoustic songs, but a whole album of it. Ugh.
(by R. Mason) ■

Monster Magnet "Superjudge" album cover

Monster Magnet Superjudge
Monster Magnet has put together a nice, listenable classic rock album. My impression is that it’s a kind of ’60s rock-meets-grunge sound, but I notice the diversity. It’s got together quite a variety of influences and it really works. The production is swell.
(by Vaughn Currier) ■

Morbius "Underground Civilization" EP cover

Morbius Underground Civilization 7″
(With Your Teeth)
It contains two tracks from the death metal band’s album, The Shades Below. The talented band has original beats and riffing and a heavy sound, so send $5 USA, $6 world.
(by Editor) ■

Scan of a print advertisement for a Morbius EP. The tagline of the ad is "No ripoffs!!"
Mordred "Vision" album cover

Mordred Vision
Let me say that this EP is really good. It’s very controlled with lots of clean breaks and fat bass lines. Lyrically this ranges from being in an asylum to being open-minded to new age philosophy. You all should definitely check this out.
(by Vaughn Currier) ■

Neftuwitch Thorns
Well, at least the packaging is good. This isn’t that bad, but it’s just been done so many times … The production is pretty good. I don’t know; this type of death metal isn’t for me. (USA)
(by R. Mason) ■

Samael Blood Ritual
(Century Media Records)
Black metal is making a comeback. These guys have been listening to old Venom, Bathory, and probably Celtic Frost. This a really good album with Satanic references that actually seem genuine. Samael may be the best black metal band today.
(by R. Mason) ■

Sick of it All "Just Look Around" album cover

Sick Of It All Just Look Around
This is a great follow-up to the We Stand Alone EP with two tracks from that on the album. Powerful lyrics touching on many of today’s problems, and kickin’ hardcore to match, make up this album. I can’t describe how good this is. Definitely worth getting!
(by Vaughn Currier) ■

Silverfish "Organ Fan" album cover

Silverfish Organ Fan
This is pretty boring alternative. The production is OK, the singer is good, but the riffs bore the hell out of me. At times it sounds like older My Bloody Valentine but most of the time it just goes nowhere.
(by R. Mason) ■

Solemn "Exiled at the Well of Souls" demo cover

Solemn Exiled at the Well of Souls
Pretty good death metal. The singer sounds like a cross between Chris Barnes and Frank Mullen. The music is sort of NY style. $4 USA, $5 elsewhere. (USA)
(by R. Mason and Editor) ■

Soulstorm Darkness Visible
(Metal Blade Records)
With unrelenting and powerful rhythms from start to finish, these guys are a nice cross between real tame but strong death metal and your more guitar-oriented industrial styles. They lyrics are dreary as hell, as is the sound. I highly recommend this.
(by Vaughn Currier) ■

Tipper Gor "At Last" demo cover

Tipper Gor At Last
With a name like that, it’s just gotta suck. And suck it does, with cheesy metal riffs and bad vocals galore. Well, there is potential here, but we’ll see if it ever happens. (USA)
(by R. Mason) ■

Tool "Undertow" album cover

Tool Undertow
(Zoo Entertainment)
Not bad at all! An improvement over the EP, Tool is sort of a rock alternative, heavy groove-oriented band with an odd slant. Of course with great production and playing. Pick it up!
(by Editor) ■

Various Artists D.C. Comp II
(D.S.I. Records)
The first time I heard it, I hated it; the second time was better. Half of the bands are good; the other half suck dog dicks. Recalcitrance and Doomstone jam but are not representative of the tape.
(by Mike Mason) ■

"Only the Strong MCMXCIII" album cover

Various Artists Only the Strong MCMXCIII
Here’s a hardcore release with bands from all over the States. Unfortunately only two or three of them are any good. But the CD has lyrics, photos, and addresses, for $12 USA, $15 overseas.

"The Ultimate Guitar Survival Guide" album cover

Various Artists The Ultimate Guitar Survival Guide
Boring as hell. My idea of a good album doesn’t include a bunch of spandex-clad hair farmers playing every scale in existence. If you’re one of those no-life, lock yourself in the closet, scale/mode learning losers, you might dig this.
(by R. Mason) ■

Vast Minority album cover

Vast Minority ’93 album
This is the best self-release I have ever heard. The production is excellent and the band assaults you with a dictionary of metal riffs, balanced with originality to keep the songs exciting. You must have this. (USA)
(by R. Mason) ■

An image of an advertisement for the Bloodstar album "Anytime, Anywhere"

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