Disposable music reviews

Originally published in ‘zine issue #29, 2004

by Adam Perry

Attila Csihar The Beast of
(Southern Lord)
And now, “The mystic Hungarian Vocalist” Attila Csihar has personally compiled the highlights of his singing career on a CD. Over this 90+ minute collection (on one CD with an mp3), he spews vocals over 15 tracks for 10 different bands. He commands your attention with an agonized, over-the-top voice that you won’t forget soon. “EEARKHHNERHMBAAHHH!!!” Awesome if you ask me; he has always been a favorite of mine. Other than the dark disco band Plasma Pool’s three tracks, they dig up some really cool stuff, including two alternate-mix tracks from Mayhem’s De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album. With the sound heavier slightly in the guitars, a rawer feel, and extra vocals, these are standout tracks that make the comp worthwhile. Tormentor, his first band, is included with two intense tracks from their debut Anno Domini, sounding better than ever. You also get the latest from his electro-metal outfit Aborym. Guest appearances with Emperor, Anaal Nathrakh, Limbonic Art, Sunn0))), and others round this out. Heard enough? Pick it up and get some enjoyment out of life. ■

The Bulemics Soundtrack to the Apocalypse
(Steel Cage)
The old “hot slut holding a bloody pig’s head on the album cover” trick again! It just reels in record buyers, who will get assaulted with 14 tracks of punk rock ‘n’ roll. Fast, with some guitar leads and sexy female vox thrown in here and there. Overall the production style is too clean for this raucous shit; it sounds better live, as shown on the two bonus tracks tacked on the end. They feature vocals from Jeff Clayton (AntiSeen), they tear it up with a GG Allin cover, and something else that rocks. Well, the songs are good, so go see their wild ‘n’ crazy live show or buy this if you feel the need. ■

Mercury Boy Keep it Goin’
We have received notice from I.S.L. Public Relations L.L.C. in conjunction with Jafzi Records that there is a new face on the scene, poised to take over the world. Mercury Boy, a.k.a. Nick Terzi, is an all-around super-cyber hero for the 21st century. He carries a huge laser gun and lives in the future battling spaceships. And he has a new album out! Don’t worry, though, it’ll be easy to steer clear of this one. With an album like this, it’s doubtful he’ll be appearing at a store near you any time soon. Distributors should boycott this record. It’s not that bad, but it’s so average that for most people it’ll just be a waste of time. You get four songs, cranking out a clumsy mix of trashy New York rock, pop, and alternative. There doesn’t seem to be any connection between the bland music and the Mercury Boy character. It’s like a concept album without the concept. It’s a fucking beer coaster. Or, “…MERCURY BOY shows incredible taste and quality. In their clean pop rock and sound vocal, this band will move up the charts fast.” – MusicTV.com. ■


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