The Fordists “Watch You”: interview

The Fordists are great at taking chords that don’t seem to go together and complex time signatures and making it all work. Continue reading The Fordists “Watch You”: interview
music blog
The Fordists are great at taking chords that don’t seem to go together and complex time signatures and making it all work. Continue reading The Fordists “Watch You”: interview
Despise You, Lack Of Interest, Left For Dead, and Integrity are a few of the high-profile, excitement-inducing bands making exclusive appearances at the bash. Continue reading A389 Recordings IX Anniversary Bash: interview
Antigama is an “avant grind” band from Warsaw, Poland. It’s a fitting description, since the grindcore they play and the soundscapes they create are anything but ordinary. Continue reading Antigama interview: “Stop the Chaos”
At one of their tour stops in support of then-current album “The Code is Red … Long Live the Code,” Danny Herrera and Barney Greenway shared their views on grindcore. Continue reading Napalm Death interview with Barney Greenway and Danny Hererra from 2005