There’s been plenty of bands we’ve written about that have expressed their love and appreciation for John Peel elsewhere: how important he was to expanding listeners’ pallates, how he supported alternative artists before “alternative” became a popular term, and for his Peel Sessions that he broadcast and released on his label, which are sought-after by music lovers.
Here’s Mick Harris of Napalm Death, Scorn, and the list goes on, in an old interview D.U. conducted in 2007:
Where do you think Napalm Death would be today if John Peel wasn’t around?
Harris: Good question. [pause] I don’t know if I could really answer it, ‘cause John Peel does so much for the independent scene an’ the alternative bands. He’s like a genius. That guy is so good, he’s such a nice bloke. Maybe only half to where we’ve gotten. I mean, it woulda been harder buildin’ it up ourselves. Peel’s done a lot for us in England an’ Europe, so he deserves a lot of credit, y’know what I mean, totally.
Over at Brooklyn Vegan, Bill Pearis writes that the “Formerly Known As The Bollocks” blogspot has linked to all of the Peel Sessions they could find on YouTube in alphabetical lists. There’s the John Peel Sessions list, the Some Hidden Delights On YouTube list, and the John Peel Session Tracks list. It looks like a treasure trove of information.
– John Peel Record Archive
– DC Punk Archive
– Democracy Now! music archive
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