Guitars are up during the lockdown

It wasn’t that long ago that guitar sales were tanking and regular people (those not in the underground rock-based music scene) didn’t seem very interested in guitar rock. An exception might have been Taylor Swift interesting young girls in picking up a guitar because they would see her slinging one at her shows.

More recently, things have been looking up for guitar manufacturers, retailers, and used guitar sellers, Alex Williams wrote recently in the New York Times. The reason is people have been deciding to pick up and learn the guitar during the coronavirus lockdown, giving sales a giant boost.

Guitar sales have seen a boost during the coronavirus pandemic, surprising everyone.

Even custom guitar makers such as DNG Aluminum Guitars are seeing business. The Baltimore company, run by Kevin Bernsten at Developing Nations recording studio (where your editor’s band has recorded), makes aluminum-neck guitars and basses, along with guitar pickups. “My sales have been slowly but steadily increasing since I started building, and the pandemic doesn’t seem to have affected me much, if any,” Bernsten told D.U. over email. “I’m still selling them faster than I can build them, that’s for sure!”

It will be interesting to see if the guitar’s fortune remains bright on the other side of the pandemic.



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