Originally published in ‘zine issue #15, 1996
by Editor
At The Gates Slaughter of the Soul
I used to be against this band using a violin player in the past, but now I think it was a distinction needed in today’s scene. This LP sounds too much like old Dismember (even the production is Sunlight-ish) but it’s still an incredible Swedish record!! ■
Crisis Deathshead Extermination
(Metal Blade)
Wow, Metal Blade actually signed a good band for once, the best since Mercyful Fate’s comeback. Kinda Neurosis-ish slow grooves but in a good way and mid-paced more punkiness, with emotional lyrics and a hard-edged, in-your-face approach. Impressive! ■
Deceased ’95 demo #2
These four tunes will appear on the death metal band’s next full-length. What can I say? Amazing double-leads, long songs packed full of tons of classic-sounding old metal riffings with a modern feel and cohesiveness, good sound. I’m impressed as usual. ■
The Gathering Always …
I am totally chuffed to have this LP, originally released on Foundation 2000. The band is one of the few that has a metal sound mixed with lilting vocals and atmospheric keyboards and pulls it off well. The first LP from The Gathering is a must! ■
Kreator Cause for Conflict
I dunno. I can appreciate the new lineup’s efforts, but I can’t get into the lyrics and thinner music as much as the previous material. It’s not quite the same without Rob and Ventor. It has in a way an ’80s metal sound, and is more thrashy than Renewal. ■
Merzbow Venereology
Four songs, one of which is live, in 50 minuges. Who is this Masami Akita, anyway? He needs help. It’s time to switch the medication. Totally fucking insane electronic noise from one of the best units in the genre. ■
Scorn Gyral
Sans Nick Bullen, sans, vocals, and sans bass and guitar, this album is a very-stripped-down and minimalistic slab o’ wax. I’d say the remix LP they did had a big effect on the Human Tornado. It’s good, but I liked Evanescence better. ■
Sepultura Roots
Surprisingly enough, the relocated-to-the-American-southwest Sepultura has recorded a good album, although they owe a lot to Neurosis. Very repetitive, very slow to mid-paced, very downtuned. The tribal drums and distorted vocals are all there. ■
Voivod Negatron
I am very happy to hear the new Voivod. Their demos for this album had a different approach and a different lineup, and how it all turned out in the end is an improvement. Sort of a cross between Dimension Hatröss and Killing Technology. Simply amazing!! ■