Originally published in ‘zine issue #35, 2006
“Our sound over all is heavy and dark , keeping things dynamic with melodic instrumentals and intense lyrics. We try to space you out and scare you at the same time.”
So says David Krepinevich, one half of the daring duo in Coaxial from sunny California. He’s hit the nail right on the head, and his band delivers on what they set out to do. He continues, “I would say [we’re] experimental, because that is what we are doing. When it’s time to work on a song we don’t try to make it sound like something that already exists. Instead we are constantly experimenting with sounds, the structure of the songs, and recording.”
How Coaxial formed is a straightforward story.
“My friend gave Chris [the vocalist] one of my CDs, and he liked it. We then contacted each other and figured out how we were going to start working together. That’s when I decided to move to Long Beach.”
Soon after the two set to the business of recording and releasing a CD EP.
“The Phantom Syndrome is the first project we ever worked on together. We were still getting used to working with each other. Now I feel that we are a more developed as a unit.”
One of the aims of David’s move from the east coast to the west was the playing of gigs.
“We like to mix it up a bit when we play out, introducing live elements such as bass, guitar, synthesizer, and record scratching. I also like to remix the songs a little, making them flow into each other. We feel that our live shows should offer something new instead of performing as it is on the recordings.”
Fair enough. But David still has more to offer in the way of a description of The Phantom Syndrome.
“You could say it’s a mix of genres. I don’t think I would just slap the hip- hop label on it, but there is parts of that in the music. We try to evoke some sort of emotion out of the listener; what that emotion is is up to you.”
Coaxial has recorded for a self-titled full album to be released in June on the same label as before, Gold Standard Labs. In the meantime, David will be enjoying the weather, working on the songs with Chris, and partaking in one of his favorite past times, smoking bongs.
“I prefer the bong; blunts fuck my shit up too much.”
Look up Coaxial at www.coaxial.cc. ■
Photo: Coaxial performing live (courtesy David Krepinevich)